Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Rules of the Games

The week is the exam week of the 2 monstrous lecturers' subjects
These few days I have been studying like hell
I thought I could burn the night oil yesterday, but I fainted in bed
I was just washed-out because there were presentation and life saving duty yesterday

After reading reading and reading
A thought popped up in my mind
I agree with the statement that Learning is by no means Memorizing
I guess this is what an ordinary student does
Loading gigabytes of facts and theories and throwing them up in the exam hall
And if you ask him afterward, he'll tell he has forgotten about them
The exam oriented type of education is doomed to be failure 
Until a turnaround change in this edu system, it is only manufacturing memorizing machines

What I want to say is application learning is the rules of the game today
You suck if you can't apply the concept you learnt in your text
To apply you need to fully understand and comprehend what you have learnt
It could be called knowledge only if you understand them
As for the prevalent memorizing, it is only a means of understanding

It could be fun to dig, dig and keep digging a piece of knowledge
If you figure out your interest in it

Someone in our society must really called a halt to this exam oriented education
to extricate the students from the burdens of studying 
and start to produce thinking individuals

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