Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Malaysian Accent

"I like the way he speaks, his rebuttal makes you believe in his points, it is so convincing"
"You know I like the style he speaks also"
"The way he speaks has a very strong Chinese accent"
"It is nice to keep this accent you know"
"Rather than being too westernized"
This was the compliment that my English teacher gave to a very brilliant student after the debate
When I was a bit frustrated for not doing quite well
And this comment inspires me a lot
why should we talk like a westerner,
Imitating and emulating the accent of UK or US
We are Malaysian aren't we
We are commonly renown for our language ability
And it is also what makes us unique as a Malaysian
It dignifies us as a Malaysian

As for my teacher, she is kind of a localized English teacher
I know undoubtedly she can speak so well
But she has not any hesitation to use "lah, lah, lah" in the class

When I was admiring and jealous about how fluent, hasty and well another female classmate spoke spontaneously
This comment of my teacher had really twisted my thought
And I can agree more about this
come on lah, just speak like a Malaysian lah

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