Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't judge a book by its cover

We, people, seem to have the propensity to make a judgment based on what we witness with our very own eyes

Today I came across an incident that made me felt and agreed with the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover"

You know, I always moans that the shuttle bus service in my campus sucks
Actually I entailed this conclusion just based on my handful experiences with shuttle service
Cause I have my own Bike, seldom I take the bus
My grouse was those buses coming in groups
There is always a couple of buses coming in a roll at a same time
Why couldn't them have some gap between rounds?

But today, I understand the reason behind it
The time when I see the "Bus fellowship" is a time peak hours of the shuttle service
The time when most of lectures start
All the students are heading the the lecture halls
If there were only a bus at one time, it would be definitely insufficient, it could have been more complaints

So, I guess next time, I should have observed more and see more into detailed, before coming to a conclusion

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