Thursday, November 22, 2012

The road not taken

Just suddenly felt like writing something
Looking around
there are various types of people passing by in my life
At the age of 23, not considered very old, but I guess I have seen quite a number of people in my life
I bet, as graduation is coming around the corner, me and my fellow friends and other undergraduates have reached at a crossroads
A time where one of the toughest and momentous decision that we need to make
Our path to our future, the career path
whatever choice we take, it will greatly influence the manner and the way we live

Recall the poem "The road not taken" in secondary school
At this point of my life, my situation just fitly depicts what is said in the poem
There is a bright, clear, and straight road
A path where I used to think as what am I supposed to take
I had this thought may because of there are many people with a similar background like mine have chosen it
We human have the propensity to decide by referring to others
And to some, there are even society and family pressure, where the poor fellow is coerced to take the road
Do they really enjoy the journey?

Thanks God that, I am born without any disability
And in a decent family, not loaded but at least I have no financial pressure
There are someone around,
even someone I know, needs to think about his what to feed himself for the next meal
If they are unfortunate, then me as the lucky one,
should I appreciate my luck by doing what I am thought or expected to do by the society?
Is making a decision blindly hinges on the envious feeling towards the successors a smart way of choosing?

Whereas it is completely different with the other route
There are distinctly fewer "risk taker" have tried this road
Because it is unconventional, unlike a the other roads where someone in his or her right mind should choose
I am exposed to less knowledge and information on how it could be to choose this road
The decision to take this road is sure to be contentious
There will be disagreements against it
And I might be said to have lost my right mind for ever thinking about it

"Don't judge a book by its cover"
should it be taken into consideration?
What others say
Is that the option that there are more people chose a definitely right choice
Even if I am aware of this vague road leads me to a destination that might be congruent with my interest, what I want and more importantly what I indeed enjoy spending time on.

I guess I would just literally like imprisoning myself with the views from people around
what generally a person like me should do and what they might want me to do
It could be true that following my heart is the means to extricate myself from this jail, the life long jail
Otherwise I'll just walking in their shoes at the end of the day

But why?
Why? still I'm stuck?
I am still indecisive and doubt

This just picture just conveys what I don't want to be

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