Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Environment for studying

A suitable place to study is always not in my list of concerns about studying
I used to think that a desk or a bed especially will do
But now I started to feel that studying environment is very imperative to encourage and motivate us to open the books

It could be because I was brought up in a decent family, my mum stressed us a lot on studying 
Though we are not rich, my parents have tried the best to provide us a souvend environment for studying
Therefore since secondary school, I would not ride down to the town deliberately just to get to the library or McDonald to read
I was wondering why can't they just study at home?
Is it necessary for them to take a long ride just for a space to study?
May be the air conditioner is cool attractive, but does it make a lot of differences?

But later on, I realized that I was so naive to have the perception that everyone had a decent place to study at home
Furthermore, outside with friends, they could chit chat a bit when it became too boring.
Thanks God for what I have and given by my parents, not everyone share an equal fortune.

In my tertiary education,  the external environment of having a suitable, comfortable ( with air conditioning or midnight), or quiet place to study has become a key for me to study. My productivity is at peak during mid night. Especially someone takes part in activities or joining any society, club or organization, the poor little guy just have inadequate time for them to study in the day time.

In addition, a very convincing reason, that is when I am apart from my laptop my effectiveness and productivity of studying can go staggeringly higher.
God damn, it is so true for people like me who is not pretty good in self-discipline, self-control, self-management, or self-whatever. 

Aside from these external and physical kind of environment, however, the intangible kind of environment plays a more prominent role to "lure" us to study.
For instance, the type of friends that you hang around in the class, are they the sloppy one or aggressive type, or the type of your lecturer, strict or lenient. 
Definitely, in an environment where you have aggressive friends and strict lecturers is more favorable if we are talking about getting good grade, it has a positive impact for us to feel pressure for studying hard. 
Just imagine that one of your lecturers is strict and very demanding, he assigns tests and pop-quiz in class relentlessly, and at the same time all your fellow classmates are so aggressive in studying in order to trample on those do not study well, then someone n this environment is so likely to be hard working as well. 
It forms a kind of aura of hardworking and engender pressure and reason for us to contend with other students. 

You know, human being is born to have a mindset of winning and may be we are pre-engineered to love winning over others. What a sad scenario.

But you know, learning should be fun, find my interest in the topic and I think being curious and interested can make learning lot of fun. This is the most powerful and strongest environment of studying, perhaps. 

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