Sunday, May 20, 2012

Realm of Relaxation - Pantai Keracut

I have occupied my weekend with bundles of activities.
Basket ball with colleagues and the best part of the weekend, camping in Pantai Keracut of Penang National Park, with her.
The trip was suggested by me
And what drove me to this trip was to relax our mind.
Actually, in the beginning, I just felt like listening to wave.
This idea was inspired by a coincident in esplanade, where I accidentally found that it is very relaxing to have my mind empty, only with the sound of the waves in my brain.  
And I guess recently I am in some kind of soul searching
Yeah something like finding the reason of being a human and living in this world as me.

As we reached there, it was 5 something pm, we registered ourselves at the counter and begun the journey immediately, because we wanna catch the sunset, so we have to reached there by 7 pm.
The trekking was easy at the beginning, even when going up hill. But later on, it was so tough and exhausted because of the heavy package that we carried with us. It was actually trekking in a jungle, so frequently we went up and down hill, and it became challenging to us when it came to a very steep passage.
Along the trekking, we kept on chatting and talking endlessly and joyfully.

On the way heading to Pantai Keracut, there was an incident happened, in around 6:45 pm, we felt that we were not in the right track, we felt like missing in the jungle when the sky started to turn dark. We were silent in the moment, and after a some discussion, we decided to take her suggestion, going back to the last junction we passed. and take the other route. And fortunately, her instinct was correct, she could recognize the route later on, she has been here for a few times before.

For about 20 minutes I guess, we reached.when we saw the bridge we were so glad because we have reached our destiny, and we were so lucky that the sun were not so far above the horizon, yeah I still made it to witness the sunset, which I cheated to her that I did research that sunset it spectacular here, which I actually didn't. ( chuckle). Without wasting a moment, we open up our tent and lied on it to enjoy the sunset. The sky near to the horizon was red and orange in color. The sun was in a total red, the school of cloud covering the sun was in full red, lighter than the sun, the group of could farther away from the sun was orange   and a golden layer of could was above them. The scene was tremendously charming and romantic, and certainly it was even better with the endless sound of the wave. The sunset was brief, real fast, and later on darkness has totally cover the sky and the beach.

After talking to the ranger over there and showing our camping permit, we has started setting up our tent, and went for shower. There is toilet and bathroom over there, and in the campsite the is a place like a kitchen under a shelter. The facility is good over there, all basic necessity are available. And we have company also, there 2 more groups of campers there.

After the rejuvenating shower, we filled up our hungry stomach with the instant food that we brought. Instead of setting a fire, which to me is not environmental, we cooked with a portable stove, which was pretty convenient to use. After the refreshment, for sure we wanted to go for a stroll along the beach.

Next, a big surprise was brought to us by our luck, that night the sky was starry. I really didn't expect it, because the sky was cloudy during the sunset, and I told her there might not be stars tonight. I was always told by my mum that the stars is obvious when the place is totally dark. But I never had an opportunity to witness it until tonight I can prove that it was so true. I can't recall that whether there was moon in the night, because the stars were so wonderful, there fully occupied the sky. The stars were the brightest that I have ever seen, they really non-stop twinkling if you check on them intently. I knew that the light of the star that we can see is the reflection of the sunlight, because each star is like some kind of sun, in far far far away. By understanding this fact, it made me felt that the universe and this world is too big, and me myself was like nothing as compared to it, recalled back all the problems and emotions that I had in the past, they were actually nothing, there had actually no value for me to mind. we were too small and micro. With the sound of the wave, it made it even relaxing and relieving, and for some moment, my mind was really in a state of empty, and that kind of feeling is really rarely I can experience. We just let our mind indulged in the emptiness of some moment, focus on the stars and the wave. The wave is really hardworking that it beats the beach restlessly. Funny description right and this was what I told her.

We woke up early in the next morning, and snapping lots of pictures and playing with a flying plate, I don't know what is the name. It was really fun to play with it, for guys i guess. When you throw it, it will fly slowly and land slowly, and you can't quite predict where it will land. Perhaps it was too tiring for a female, so she stop after a moment and had her focus on the beautiful scene. And I continued playing that by myself for a while, it was ok, because if you throw it high it will fly back to your direction. After strolling for a while, we back to the camp site for break first, instant food again. Perhaps next time, we should bring some healthier food. After taking bath and packing up out stuff, we were ready to end this beautiful trip. In fact we didn't interact much with other campers last night and they were sleeping in morning when we were up. We eventually waved at them and talk to them. We learnt that they were here for fishing and they often went here for fishing.

After that it was time for jungle trekking, again and it meant the trip had really came to an end. I miss that starry so much, I am really looking forward to go for camping in seaside next time.

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