Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Growing of "Love"

As I am getting elder, I am becoming more concerned to my parents and my family

I was a wild kid last time
Just like an ordinary teenager, looking for freedom
I was always out for basket ball, badminton and cyber cafe when I was a teenager
Even when I enrolled into University, seldom I will travel back home
And in my sophmore year I had made up my mind to stay in Penang after graduation
I was thinking that it was impossible that they will leave me one day

But now things have changed
I missed them more now
I travel back more often now

Because I guess this might be the last quarter of their life
If lucky enough, it might be the second half
But I can sense that it are not so long
not quite enough

I have to show my love to them
before it is too late
If I didn't,
I guarantee that I would regret for the rest of my life

When I was a kid and a teenager
At that time,
they were young too,
they had their dreams too
and things that they would prefer to chase after,
if there weren't me and my siblings

But they opted to raised us up first
They burned their adolescence energy to bring us up
They had chosen to enjoy their life after we can fly by ourself

Now they have succeeded

I have grown up
My wings are strong now, no more depending on them
They have fulfilled their "mission" to raise me up

Now should the time they get their rewards
They deserve to have a fruitful harvest now

they find out that things that nourish and cheerish their life are no more luxurious travelling or fancy cars any more
They are becoming used to be with us
Their children have occupied their world
Now their true joy is the time they are having around with us

As their children
I am one of the key to their joy in the rest of their life
It is so simple
Just have more good time with them
Let them feel my affection

I could opt to act selfishly
My wings are strong now, I have the strength to fly freely and explore my life and my future
But I wont put my entire focus on it
I am making the right choice =)

I am so glad that I understand this before it is too late

1 comment:

  1. Support!! Need to promise to travel at least 1 time to pg monthly :)
