Thursday, December 15, 2011

youtube or no youtube

this morning when i first access to internet i found that Youtube is blocked.
the moment when a bad word came out from my mouth
i have a lots of thoughts running in my minds and thus inspired me to post something
in the last month
i spent a great amount of time sitting in front of my laptop
for my assignment (it is not so true)
Basketball mixs, sneakers reviews, music videos, beatles, pranks, mr beans, creepy ghost videos, funny ads...
fade away pullups of KObe is spectacular, crossovers of ROSE IS so fascinating, videos of beatles are so touching and inspiring and all the best songs of all time, i just wont get bored with Mr Bean and the funny pranks just keep my mouth laughing........................ i just cant stop browsing Youtube
all these videos have made my free time colorful
And i got a new software from my friends (internet download manager) a super downloader of videos, somemore i m kind of collector, i have downloaded lots of videos but till the level that i need a hard drive
this is awesome to have youtube

However behind the awesomeness is awfulness
that is i got addicted
Every time i access to internet i first checkout my list of "videos of interests" then start searching and enjoying for hours. And i wont forget to downloads them, i will also spend some time arranging these videos into right folders, categorizing them. half more hour gone.
as a student i am supposed to study all my subjects and chapters before entering lectures and tutorials, this is what i told my twice every year (1year got 2 semesters)
ESPECIALLY last month, it was actually so heavy for me, Sukad basketball, midterms, assignments, life savings.... even though i am not a super ambitious guy but i still believe that i like things to be in order and i dont like a messy life. however i cant deny that i am still not mature in dealing tough time, in a tight schedule i will mess up my tables and beds and even my time tables. Because when i focus on 1 thing, it will be quite difficult for me to handle the rests. when every when 1 task is done, i told myself to relax before beginning the coming one and started to indulge myself again and youtube serves me the best when i need a brake.

sigh!!! if i could utilise the time i wasted on Youtube, i will have time to be careful, to care those people i care around me. to catch up my study, to clean up my stuffs, to have my time managed, to call my mother, to update what happen around the world, to wash my colth daily (to save RM 3), to plan my expenses, to keep in touch with my friends (there are not much should be easy), should listen more news on english FM, to learn how to earn extra pocket money, there are actually a lots i could do if i stop YouTubing... this is me, can i change myself? or i will just let this habit goes on because i am born this way? sure i can change myself, because i dont believe in fate, but i believe i am steering my life my fate.

ok now!! conclusion, i have made up my mind, i dont wanna degenerate anymore, i wanna wake up.
ok before this go for some videos first.... shit.... blocked....
ok la... go steer life la me

1 comment:

  1. i will have time to be careful, to care those people i care around me.
