Saturday, July 30, 2011

drive carefully

today i saw an accident in the journey back to my house after playing badminton.
i think we should really be patient and careful when driving
because accident can happen any time
if you by the rules and drive steadily , don't rush
you can decrease your chance to encounter an accident
if you accelerate and cut lanes too often
you may only be 5 to 10 minutes earlier to get to your destiny
i think that this saved 5 to 10 minutes really doesn't matter much
if you are heading to your office ,please try to get up 5 yo 10 minutes earlier in the morning
and if you are on your way home, please remember that you have no strong reason to cut your time

keep in your mind that there are people you care for you and you care for
and try to imagine all the bothering, time consuming, troublesome, regretful subsequent stuff following a traffic accident ( i mean the quarreling, lodging report, court cases, medical treatment, insurance claiming, feeling of guilt in the case of taking someone's life........etc)

so ladies and gentlemen, folks and dudes. please drive carefully

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