Thursday, August 19, 2010

life saving

i hv enrolled in life saving...
it's an opportunity of learning...
learning sth that can be useful in our life esp in emergency...
i still dont have the spirit of life saver... saving life....
the first thing came to my mind was to brush up my swimming skills...(but i got more)
and now i see it as a chance for me to train myself...
i am not talking bout physically but mentally..
i m always aware of my own dirrection (wat shud i do, wat am i supposed to be)
i m confident on that...
but the problem is
ppl tend to be lazy...
that is i konw wat to do but i am not persistent enough...

through life saving i realise sth
all the thing is about mentality...
and actually we have control over our mentality...
when i say yes and my body says no...
this is when i usually stop....
but in fact when my body says no but that i m still capable
i hv the control to make my body YES
that means to be persistent, we have to push ourself...
i think this is wat makes ppl different.
the power of controlling ur mental...

lets say....
when i was swiming a new stroke...
i used to stop every once when i was tired and thought that that was my limit...
during the training session, my instructor wants us to swing for bout 1000 m (the updated one)
not much rest pun.... i never even think of it before to swim one km almost continously...
but now i found that when we force ourself we can really do it...
even though ur body will suggest u to stop...
and the relief after forcing ourself is much more comfortable...
and i think this rule can be applied in mny aspects in our lives...
so if u really want, and the target makes logic then you will hit it...

hopefully i will really seriously stick to it... this lesson... of life saving to me...

1 comment:

  1. no wonder go swimming everyday la...
    actually this can be the reason i learn "da zuo" also...
    lets work hard together =)
