Thursday, June 28, 2012

"The Pursuit of Happyness"

This is a very touching, motivating and inspiring movie

The father, Christ has a hardest time in his life
Homeless, unpaid taxes and even parking
His wife has chosen to leave him

Despite all these miseries
Still he is steadfast to his belief
He is not defeated by all he has been through
He never changes his affection to his beloved son

Just like most stories
He got through all these
And finally 
He finds the happiness in his life

I have to be grateful
For my life is not pre-arranged by fate, as his
I have a better environment
The obstacles in my life may not be as torturing as his

But his spirit
His spirit should be my role model
I shall face them with a same attitude
same perseverance 

It deserves my respect, it is based on a true story of Christ Gardner

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